Wednesday, December 16, 2009


One of the things I love about Phoebe is that she's tuned in to natural phenomena. If the phone rings around 7, I know it's her, calling from the bus, which she rides for over an hour each morning. I know it's a Sunrise Alert. "Mama! Go look at the sunrise!"

And we did. The only thing to do for a sunrise like this one is to run to the tower room. Still on the phone with Phoebe, we compared notes on the colors and the fabulous gill-like clouds. Just one of the many reasons I'm happy Bill sprang for a cell phone for our girl. My predictions were all wrong. She hasn't lost it, ever, and she doesn't waste much time talking on it. It's more like a mobile texting umbilical cord for both of us.

Watching it change. There's not much you can say about a heavenly phenomenon like this, other than to look and marvel at your luck at being able to see it.

Of course, we cannot go up to the tower room without bringing Chet Baker. And if Mether and Daddeh are looking at something, well, Chet Baker needs a peek, too.
I refuse to believe that dogs see only in black and white. I think they see a lot more color than people believe. Chet Baker sure seems to.

I am also looking for morning bunnehs.

Liam, Bill, Chet and I walked out the driveway, awash in morning glow.
Molten puddles, ever my favorite. I live to photograph them, little pieces of perfect sky under our feet.

Look out, Liam! Don't step in the lava!

And the sun burnt it all gold, our huge sentinel pin oak revealed. I never look at that tree without hoping it outlives us all.

I have to think that being brought up and bathed each day in beauty helps make our kids who they are. They notice and appreciate, and are grateful.

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