It seemed that every time we glided around a bend on our three-day trip down the Missouri River in Montana, there was something that just begged to be photographed. Alas, the names of many of these places, as carefully spelled out by our guides, have fled into memory's mists, but the images remain.

Devil's Stack? Devil's Tower? Devil's La-Z-Boy? I dunno. Just a big beautiful black rock sticking up out of the white cliffs.
My favorite times were when we'd get to our campsite early, and go on a hike. I loved hiking this country, walking through a Charlie Russell painting with my hub and babes.

We climbed a bank up to the ruins of a little horse rustler's cabin. Here, he'd hide out and watch for pursuers coming down the river.

Some beautiful pines were growing there, which proved to be limber pines, named for their rubbery branches. You can tie a knot in a branch, and it won't break. It must be full of resin to be so limber.

Here's the rustler's view. What a place to live. I could see a Russell painting, staged here, of his capture.

Beautiful stark-white cliffs, snowy clouds, blinding blue sky.

Bill and Liam in the vastness.

And my little girl in the stern.

If you have never canoed the Missouri River, please, please put it on your list of things to do before you paddle down into the Big Mystery.
check out our outfitter:
Missouri River Canoe CompanyThey couldn't have been better: relaxed pace, great food, local lore and history. Book it!
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