Not only was the slot canyon spookily magical, but it offered some fabulous photo-ops.
There came a point where it narrowed down to a squeeze. Now the fun begins!

The slot canyon narrowed down to a hole, blocked by a huge boulder. You had to crawl under the boulder to get through. It was tight. I was regretting the extra biscuits, but I made it.
Come on, Daddy! You can do it! I just did it!

Bill of the Birds examines his options. He don't much like that crawl-under thing.

Back to Plan A. In order to squeeze through beneath the boulder, Bill has to wriggle on his back, like a sea otter. I went through on my hands and knees.

He's going to make it.

For those needing another Chet Baker fix, as well as a splendid photographic and video run-down of October 11's Big Sit from our tower, go visit Jim McCormac's excellent blog, Ohio Birds and Biodiversity. There is a picture of Chet there that will make you smooch your screen.
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